Underneath every mystery lies a simple truth, and underneath every simple thing lies a big pile of complications...
People tend to dismiss the truth because it sounds simple, and yet they can't understand why it's so mysterious.
You're a mystery my friend, because underneath all that mystery lies one simple truth, you're simple, and thus you see all complications for what they truly are, you're the genius you hear about on the internet, you see their mistake...
They will love you, and they will take you for granted, because you're truthful, and with time your mystery will fade and you will inherit all their complications combined, the moment they started taking you for granted by dismissing the truth while on the hunt for complications and mistakes...
And now you're them, and with time you'll fight them off in order to win back your self, you'll be all alone and you'll find others to introduce that self to, and with time you'll become you again, and win back everyone you've ever had to fight off. And you will always be loved, and you will always be a mystery.
Wednesday, Jan 3, 2018 @ 4:51 AM
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